On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 7:08 PM, Mark Murphy <mmur...@commonsware.com> wrote:
> Stoyan Damov wrote:
>> Does anyone know what's the *FREE* internal memory initially when you
>> get the phone?
>> I've heard ~70MB, ~96MB, etc.
> ~70MB.
>> Apparently not for me, it appears that I have 9MB!
> Perhaps now. Most likely, you had ~70MB when you got the phone.
>> This is getting ridiculous, I've cleared the browser's cache and got
>> 2MB back, I have only *ONE* application installed which takes 2MB
> If you go into Manage Applications and you have only one item listed,
> your phone is probably messed up, and I would recommend a reset. The
> device comes with dozens of apps installed, some of which (AFAIK) are
> not removable.

I guess I had not explained myself very clearly. I do have all
pre-installed apps on my phone.
Besides them I ONLY have 1 app, which takes 2MB.

>> and I have just 7MB of free memory.
> So, free up some memory.

Read below my answers but basically I've done anything possible to
free up space and I still have 5 MB.

> For example, on my G1, as I type this, I have 35MB of internal phone
> storage available.
> I then go into Settings > Applications > Manage Applications and sort
> the results by size descending via the option menu.

Me too, and I see this (after sorting by size in descending order):

The other app - 2MB
My app - 2MB
IM - 848 KB
... all others are pre-installed Android apps taking kilobytes

> The top entry is Android Market, at 14MB. There is a known bug in the
> Android Market where it does not clear its cache proactively. But, it
> will flush the cache when it is needed, so I effectively have closer to
> 49MB available. There are enough posts from enough people that I feel
> reasonably comfortable that most of that space will be reclaimed if/when
> I need it.
> #2 entry is the Browser. I go in, click Clear Data, and the app falls
> somewhere way down the list, and my listed available space is 45MB (plus
> the 14MB or so that will get freed up by Android Market when needed).
> Lather, rinse, repeat.

The browser was taking only 3MB, I said it in my last post.

> If the rough total of space reported by the Manage Applications list,
> plus the amount of reported free storage space, does not add up to
> anything near ~70MB, then something on your device is leaking storage,
> and I would recommend a reset.

Now I have a very important question before I do that - I own an
unlocked phone (a friend of mine bought it unlocked) and I'm in
Bulgaria. The question is whether I'd have to re-activate the phone
after the factory reset, because apparently I can't activate it, and
do not know for sure whether those "send as $25 and we'll send you an
unlock code" websites *actually* work if I get screwed and have to

>> This is serious, if I got to this situation there's a possibility that
>> other users will hit that too, and these won't be developers.
> Which is why there have been discussions on various approaches for
> installing apps on SD cards, to support manufacturers (like, apparently,
> HTC) who skimp on the on-board flash. The fact that HTC did this is not
> the fault of the core Android team, as Android is licensed as open
> source, so HTC can do what it damn well feels like. If you want to
> grouse about the ~70MB of free on-device storage space, please grouse in
> HTC's general direction.

I understand that the device is manufactured, and I am happy to have
70 MB for apps (at least until a next release enables apps to launch
from a modified FAT32 SD card or whatever Google comes up with), but
the thing is I *don't* have these 70 MBs, I have 1/10 of them :(((

>> I *SO* regret installing the over-the-air patch, which removed root
>> access :(((((((
> Which would not have helped you one bit.

Disconnect's post below answers why I'd need root access. I could at
least view the file system and decide whether a file should be there
or not (acknowledging that I might break the phone by doing that) -
but at least I could see that say in /var/tmp there's a huge .log file
or whatever and let someone (e.g. Google engineers) about that.


> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> http://commonsware.com
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!
> >

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