
I am a little bit confused about what can/cannot a service access when
it is running as an independent process (remote service). I have a
database created by my activity when it is run the 1st time. Later on
this activity adds entries to this database. I don't want my service
running all the time, instead the service uses AlarmManager to
schedule itself to run (sometimes it doesn't know when to run, so has
to suspend itself forever until notified by the activity). For
activity to service communication aidl will be used, but I was
wondering if the service, if run as independent process, can access
the database created and updated by the activity ? Can an application
have multiple processes ? If so, I guess as long as the service and
activity belong to same application I think the answer is yes, but can
someone please confirm ? or is there a need in this case to have
activity and service in completely different applicaitons accessing
shared database (don't know if this is possible) ?

The other help I am looking for is, in this case how should my
activity be invoking the service ? If I use bindService() will that
make service run when the activity is running (something I don't
need/want to happen) ? or do I need to use some intent and let the
system notify my service ? Can anyone suggest how to design this ?


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