TreKing wrote:

> S Sam  wrote:
>> I have tried the following app, but I am getting a lot of errors.
> You should explain what "a lot of errors" are instead of asking people to 
> do your homework for you.

Even better, post a Simple, Self-Contained, Compilable Example that 
illustrates your problem.

When you say, "the following app", you set up an expectation that you will 
_actually show us the app_.
Without that information we probably have no idea what will help you. And 
when you explain what 
"a lot of errors" are, copy and paste them, don't paraphrase.

> I have to submit the timetable app to my Professor [sic] as an 
>> assignment, so please can any1 [sic] send me the 
>> code(java [sic],xml [sic],manifest etc [sic]) which creates the timetable 
>> of an individual professor and displays the timetable of the desired 
>> professor.
What is a "timetable"?

How can you ask such a vague, general question with any expectation of a 
useful answer? We have no way 
to know what you intend by the terms.

> If you have the gall to ask people on this group to do your homework for 
> you, at least
> A) Learn to spell "PLEASE". It's not "plzzz", "pls", "plz", or any 
> variation thereof. You saved one letter to have the subject of your post 
> look like it was written by an illiterate spammer. That doesn't help your 
> case.

To further that excellent advice, you should (not "shud") write as though 
professionally. Programming is an art 
of precision where things like case and spelling really matter. Get in the 
habit of rigor in natural-language 
writing and it will serve you well in programming. Honestly, though, you're 
in college and cannot spell? Really?

> B) This is a volunteer list - if you want people to do your work for you, 
> you have to offer up some dolla dolla bills, yo.
Newsgroups are not a cheat-on-your-homework site.

If you post your code, exactly what errors you get, what you think is going 
on and what your 
very specific, targeted questions are, we can help.

You will not get away with merely posting your homework assignment and 
asking others to 
do it for you. What a waste of tuition that would be! You would learn 
_nothing_ and later, 
after graduating on a firm background of plagiarism and getting answers 
from others, 
you might enter the work force as a programmer, or worse yet, as a manager, 
having learned 
absolutely nothing in college. That incompetence would then be a huge drag 
on whatever 
team is unfortunate enough to have believed in your degree. In your own 
mind, you would 
know that you're a poseur, and the ego damage would lead you into 
alcoholism, unhappy 
relationships and a lifetime of dissatisfaction and resentment against 
those who succeed 
on their own, actual merits. Finally you would die in a puddle of your own 
vomit and only 
your mother, who stills loves you in spite of her massive disappointment in 
you, would 
attend your funeral, if she hasn't already passed from a broken heart.

Don't let this happen to you! Study and learn your own material!


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