Hello all.  I'm developing an Android Maps API app behind a business
proxy/firewall using an emulator.

Mac OS X is the host machine.

It took a lot of fiddling, but I finally found a -http-proxy and -dns
settings that got the emulator through to the Internet.  I also had to
set the proxy settings on the simulated wireless AP in the Settings.

The Web Browser, Google Maps, and my map app were all working great.

Now both Google Maps and my map app have stopped working.has stopped
working. The Google_ maps app just says "Network failure | This
application requires a working data connection" and dies.  My app
(which uses MapView) runs but fails to load maps.

In the same emulator session, the Browser works perfectly.

The only thing I can imagine at this point is that firewall policy has
changed without notice and Maps packets are being blocked while normal
HTTP is getting through.

Before I start tracking this down in a huge organization, can someone
shed light on if/how a Maps network connection is different from
normal HTTP on port 80?  Is the maps API using a unique port number or
other-than HTTP packets?

Thanks.  I have already wasted about 4 hours of my life on this and
will truly appreciate some help.

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