adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter( /* query the SQLite db */);

I can't understand why cursor may be null, since onResume() it's clearly initialized by
the query.

You would expect so, but it couldn't hurt to check (as a debugging test) if adapter.getCursor() actually returns a valid cursor immediately after the call to new SimpleCursorAdapter() above.

It might also be worth checking that the adapter instance you set into the list view in onResume() and the one you are subsequently seeing in onClickItem() are one and the same. Again, you'd expect it to be, but at this point you've got little to lose by checking.

Just as a sanity check, make sure onResume() *is* being called as you expect, before onClickItem() fires. Stranger things have happened...

it's clearly initialized by the query
since obviously it must be non-null

If programming (and running into problems) can teach you one thing, hopefully it will be that making assumptions is a mistake {:v) There is nothing in the docs for the SimpleCursorAdapter constructor that says it *guarantees* a valid cursor after the operation, even though that is the logical expectation.

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