while debugging on my devices (and emulators) I never got this NPE, so basically
I am blind and must try to figure out what could happen on other devices.
But, without being able to reproduce this behavior, the local debug is useless. I'd
need to get in touch with the users

I don't envy you in that difficult situation. If you can enlist the help of several helpful users to help you track it down by adding temporary debug info into the code and letting them use the temporary version of the app, it will be of benefit. It's in their interest as much as yours to get the situation resolved.

Are you aware of any devices in particular that cause this problem?

Triple checking everything is not the way to make robust software.
with unneeded checkings,

Be careful about this philosophy. In your code sample, for example, you have

Cursor cursor = adapter.getCursor();
int position = cursor.getPosition();

You are using 'cursor' here without checking it for null - you have *zero* checks in there. Whilst I appreciate that 'triple checking' was a slightly exaggerated comment, having *no* checks can be just as bad.

because if I don't catch the bug it will pop up sooner or later

Agreed. But having your users have to put up with constant failures because you prefer leaving things to fail so that you catch them rather than coding defensively (and *log* the issue in a catch handler, for example, so that you still get information on the problem somehow) isn't always an ideal situation. Some users will prefer to have it fail rather than do something odd, as per your philosophy, but others will prefer to have it try its best to move on rather than die, die, die. I'm willing to bet that the majority fall into the latter category.

Android seems to me too much an unreliable platform. i don't know if it's for
missing documentation, bad design or whatever, just every piece of the API
fails at some point

Although I do feel that the documentation has lots of room for extra information, I would suggest that more of the problem you state is to do with trying to get one platform (Android) to cope with all the nuances of each manufacturer's (and even each model's) hardware and firmware. It's not as if manufacturers code with the OS in mind (except, you'd hope, Google's own devices!).

Can a click event be fired before onResume() finishes executing?
because it'd completely break the usefulness of Activity lifecycle callbacks

Totally agreed. I would be alarmed if it were possible, to be honest.

cursor and populate the listview, and since the listview is not empty (otherwise one could not click an item and thus firing the event listeners), how can we have two
different adapters?

I agree that it seems ludicrous, but bear in mind that you are (in the click handler) referring to a variable you are maintaining manually (adapter), rather than getting the adapter directly from the list view. There is also the possibility of a threading issue, but since everything happens in the same activity I assume this should not be an issue - it should all be happening on the main UI thread.

I can only suggest using


rather than using the [adapter] member variable and see what happens.

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