I've been trying to convert an iPhone app, built with phonegap/jqtouch, to 
Android and I've hit some issues. I'm pretty ignorant about eclipse and 
java so go easy on me. I've two questions..

I got the app working in eclipse and on my htc desire s, it was a bit slow 
and unresponsive but at least it worked. Then I discovered the app wouldn't 
work on android devices (as far as I can tell, testing is a biatch) running 
OS 3 and over (the htc is 2.3). It stops working on the homepage screen by 
failing to load the tabbars. My only guess is that its somehow realtaed to 
internet connection, as on the iphone version, the tabs would only load 
when the connection was fine.  Apart from that,  I just know enough about 
eclipse/android to even know what the right questions to search for. Any 
advice on how to track down the problem?

The second question is how to improve the perfomance. - its very sluggish. 
I knew it would be bad but its worse than. I'm in the process of trying to 
minify and strip out as much as I can but are there any other suggestions 
about how to improve performance? One really annoying thing is that on 
certain transistions from one page to another, the new page loads up, then 
the old page flashes up for a second before going back to the new page - 
has anyone encountered this before?


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