Hi Kostya...

the client already rejected my previous approach which involved inspecting 
a drawable.

I've finally given them the option of either using ActionBarSherlock and 
forcing the use of the overflow menu or developing some custom icons that 
will work with both a white or black option menu background.  I mocked up 
some samples today using their existing custom icon on top of a white 
rounded rectangle and they actually look quite good.

Thanks very much for the help and advice though - much appreciated.


On Friday, August 3, 2012 6:26:10 PM UTC-4, Kostya Vasilyev wrote:
> 2012/8/3 Spiral123 
>> OK...my second attempt to find the device value of 
>> textColorPrimaryDisableOnly:
>> [snip] 
>>  My attempt at reflection didn't seem to work either:
>> Class myClass = Class.forName("android.R$styleable");
>>> int mTextColor = 
>>>> myClass.getField("Theme_textColorPrimaryInverse").getInt(myClass);
> You keep trying to get the value of textColorPrimaryDisableOnly from the 
> current theme... which mixes up cause and effect (source and target in a 
> reference).
> But that's irrelevant, because:
> I did a bit of checking and found that "style 
> name="Widget.TextView.PopupMenu"" is really just for popup menus, which use 
> a white background even on 2.3 (where the option menu uses a black 
> background... in the stock platform).
> The option menu gets its values from a style that's not exposed in the 
> SDK, and whose resource Id is thus not guaranteed to be the same, even if 
> you used it directly.
>> Looking for the background 9-patch was no more successful - I couldn't 
>> find where menu_background_fill_parent_width.9.png is stored.
> It's referenced from the theme as an attribute, called 
> "panelFullBackground", and publicly available since API 1.
> In XML, you'd write something like:
> <ImageView ... android:src="?android:attr/panelFullBackground" ... />
> In code, use something like this:
> TypedArray a = obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { 
> android.R.attr.panelFullBackground });
>  Drawable d = a.getDrawable(0);
> a.recycle();
> And to verify, use something like this:
>   ImageView iv = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.test_menu_background);
> iv.setImageDrawable(d);
> The images I'm getting (2.2 and 2.3 emulators) are pure white / pure black 
> with slim borders, so it should be really easy to tell them apart.
> -- K

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