Actually, I've just realized that Googl'e s InApp tutorial contradicts
the documentation statement.

Documentation states that:
"Note: You do not need to publish your application to do end-to-end
testing. You only need to upload your application as a draft application
to perform end-to-end testing."
"Make sure that you publish the items (the application can remain

However, above the inapp items list in the developer console I see the a
message saying that I need to *publish the application itself* to make
the items published, regardless of the individual item state.

Which is true? Do I really need to publish my app to check InApps?!


On 08/14/2012 12:48 PM, Przemyslaw Wegrzyn wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm integrating InApp Billing functionality into my application.
> Testing with "fake" items e.g. android.test.purchased works fine, but
> trying to purchase any of my own items fails.
> I've double-checked the following:
> - signed application was uploaded to the publisher site, same APK
> installled on the device
> - all the inapp items were created
> - device runs Android 2.2.2, Google Play 3.7.15, and I have just
> factory-reseted it and assigned a brand new gmail account
> - the account is added as a test account on a publisher site
> Unfortunately, all I get is RESULT_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE. To make things
> more frustrating, I can see that the item was found on the server, as
> the billing popup dialog contains the item title/description that was
> entered on the publisher site!
> In the logs I can see the following messages from Finsky (replaced
> package name with xxx ,as I don't want to disclose it yet):
> 08-14 12:46:03.312 D/Finsky  (  525): [7]
> MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount: Account from
> first account.
> 08-14 12:46:03.322 D/Finsky  (  525): [7]
> MarketBillingService.getPreferredAccount: Account from
> first account.
> 08-14 12:46:03.513 D/Finsky  (  525): [1]
> SelfUpdateScheduler.checkForSelfUpdate: Skipping self-update. Local
> Version [8013015] >= Server Version [0]
> 08-14 12:46:03.722 W/Finsky  (  525): [1]
> Saving carrier billing params failed.
> 08-14 12:46:03.722 E/Finsky  (  525): [1] CarrierBillingUtils.isDcb30:
> CarrierBillingParameters are null, fallback to 2.0
> 08-14 12:46:03.732 D/Finsky  (  525): [1]
> Skip getting fresh list of billing
> countries.
> 08-14 12:46:03.742 E/Finsky  (  525): [1] CarrierBillingUtils.isDcb30:
> CarrierBillingParameters are null, fallback to 2.0
> 08-14 12:46:03.752 D/Finsky  (  525): [1]
> CarrierProvisioningAction.shouldFetchProvisioning: Required
> CarrierBillingParams missing. Shouldn't fetch provisioning.
> 08-14 12:46:03.752 D/Finsky  (  525): [1]
> No need to fetch provisioning from carrier.
> 08-14 12:46:04.242 E/Finsky  (  525): [1] CheckoutPurchase.setError:
> type=IAB_PERMISSION_ERROR, code=4, message=null
> 08-14 12:46:07.302 D/Finsky  (  525): [1]
> MarketBillingService.sendResponseCode: Sending response
> RESULT_ITEM_UNAVAILABLE for request 3209013950184753921 to
> What am I missing here? What is IAB_PERMISSION_ERROR, code=4 ?
> Any help highly appreciated!
> Przemek

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