i think this is abstract implemntaion of method u put semicolon wrong 
position ,u also put }); this is best ,}); itis called at a same time u 
declare and imlement this current meethod

On Thursday, 27 September 2012 23:53:34 UTC+5:30, EricW wrote:
> Hi,
> Could anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
>> using  System;using Android.App;using Android.Content;using 
>> Android.Runtime;using Android.Views;using Android.Widget;using 
>> Android.OS;using Android.Text;using Android.Views;using 
>> Android.Views.KeyEvent;using Android.Widget.EditText;using 
>> Android.App.Activity;using Android.OS.Bundle;using Android.Text.Util;using 
>> Android.Views.InputMethods.InputMethodManager;
>>  namespace SiteZoeker
>> {
>>   [Activity(Label = "SiteZoeker", MainLauncher = true, Icon = 
>> "@drawable/icon")]
>>      public class Activity1 : Activity
>>      {
>>              EditText mEdit;
>>              protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
>>              {
>>                      base.OnCreate(bundle);
>>                      // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
>>                      SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main);
>>       mEdit=(EditText)FindViewById(Resource.Id.txtSitenummer);  
>>                      mEdit.SetOnKeyListener(EnterHit);
>>              }
>>     private View.SetOnKeyListener Enterhit = new View.SetOnKeyListener 
>>     {    
>>       public Boolean onKey(View v, int keyCode, KeyEvent Event) 
>>       { 
>>         if ((Event.KeyCode == Keycode.Enter)) 
>>         {          
>>           mEdit.RequestFocus(); 
>>           return true; 
>>         } else 
>>           return false; 
>>       } 
>>     }; 
>>   }}
> The red parts are the ones giving me the error:
> Error 3 Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected 
> Error 4 The name 'EnterHit' does not exist in the current context 
> Error 5 
> 'Android.Views.View.SetOnKeyListener(Android.Views.View.IOnKeyListener)' 
> is a 'method' but is used like a 'type' 
> Error 7 Invalid initializer member declarator 
> Error 2 } expected 
> Error 1 ; expected 
> Error 6 
> 'Android.Views.View.SetOnKeyListener(Android.Views.View.IOnKeyListener)' 
> is a 'method' but is used like a 'type' 
> I use Visual Studio 2010 SP1 with Monodroid Eval installed.
> br,
> Eric

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