My current project is about 80K lines of code, a fair amount of resources,
and produces ~ 2M APK file.

Building in Eclipse takes 5-10-15 seconds and launching is almost instant
(2-3 seconds).

These are the things that I believe are important:

- I'm on Linux (Debian / Wheezy, 64 bits, Liquorix kernel, XFCE, if that
matters... don't think it does)

- My Eclipse memory settings (in eclipse.ini) are significantly increased
compared to the defaults, letting Eclipse use up to 2G of RAM.

It doesn't matter how many petabytes of RAM you've got if Eclipse is only
allowed to use 512M (I believe that's the default)

- My projects (and everything else, really... except the backups) are on
SSDs (this makes a difference, but not ground-shaking), no fancy file
systems, just ext4

- The system has a Core i7-3770, 8G of RAM, which is sort of middle of the
line by today's standards... The previous one had an Core i7 860 and 4G of
RAM, and was almost just as fast.

If I were to pick the most important points from the above, they would be:
1) Develop on Linux 2) Adjust Eclipse memory settings.

Still, I would really like to see faster dexing and multi-threaded image

-- K

2012/10/12 Tilekab <>

> Hi.
> I'm sure people have ranted about this in other threads, but here goes.
> I work for a company that builds a suite of big (=lots of layouts, lots of
> graphical resources, lots of everything)  apps for iPhone, Android and
> Windows phone. The apps are 'identical' (obviously they are nativized for
> the platforms) on each os.
> I have been working on ios and Android.
> Turnaround when changing a line of code and running it on device (Android,
> since the emulator is way too slow) and simulator for iPhone differs in the
> order of minutes. Note that this does not include any changes to layouts or
> other resources that would cause a regeneration of and rebuilding of
> the whole shebang.
> It has come to the point where it is almost unworkable.
> For some new features, I set up a whole nother project with just the
> Activity I'm working on, but that takes time and is not always doable since
> it is not easy to lift code into a separate project without having to add
> everything it depends on.
> Even though I am a far more experienced Java developer (since 1997 or so)
> than Objective C, I am way more productive on ios. Change, run, test,
> change, run, test. That's how developers do their job. And the current tool
> chain does not support it on Android when the app becomes non-trivial and
> grows in size.
> This is a call for action! The frustration of working much more slowly on
> Android than I am capable of is killing my soul
> Is there work being done on this?
> When we estimate the time for new projects on ios and android, we have up
> until now estimated about the same. But this is going to change. I would
> add a 30%-40% extra to an android project since we have to charge for the
> poor devs sitting there waiting for 'generating', 'Discombobulating
> classes.dex', 'Gift wrapping resources', 'Spinning hamster wheel',
> 'Uploading to device' (which in itself takes about a minute!!!!)
> Happy coding!
> /Tile
>  --
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