On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 1:54 PM, niko20 <nikolatesl...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> The getExternalStorageDirectory API is supposed to GET EXTERNAL STORAGE.
> But manufacturers have all turned it into "point to the internal storage on
> the device". There should have been a "getInternalStorageDirectory()" API
> to go along with this.

+1 man, this pisses me off to no end.

> I don't mind, I've "solved" this problem a long time ago, but just letting
> users type in the "real" path to the external card into my app.

I appreciate the quotes, because this is not a solution, it's a support
headache every time a user upgrades to one of these devices and wonders
where their data is.

It is annoying trying to explain to a user how to get the read SD card path
and explain the difference between "internal", "secondary internal the
device considers external because manufacturers are dicks", and "SD card,
the true external, which they rendered almost so useless on new devices
that it feels like they only add it to f*** with developers and confuse
people even more".

A user should be able to move an SD card from one device to the next and
have all of there data in the expected location and be ready to go from an
app standpoint without jumping through these hoops. This is so broken it's

I'm curious, does anyone know if this was brought up at I/O? If not, it
should be next time.

TreKing <http://sites.google.com/site/rezmobileapps/treking> - Chicago
transit tracking app for Android-powered devices

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