On Wednesday, 12 December 2012 20:54:10 UTC+1, niko20 wrote:
> Just what the title says,
> The getExternalStorageDirectory API is supposed to GET EXTERNAL STORAGE. 
> But manufacturers have all turned it into "point to the internal storage on 
> the device". There should have been a "getInternalStorageDirectory()" API 
> to go along with this.
> I don't mind, I've "solved" this problem a long time ago, but just letting 
> users type in the "real" path to the external card into my app. But many 
> apps don't do this yet. So you get lots of apps that put everything on the 
> internal storage when you have a 64GB card which is getting nothing put on 
> it (I'm looking at you, Amazon MP3 and Amazon Kindle).
> Who let this slide man!
> -niko

Not exactly. It is confusing because of the unfortunate naming of  
In Google's speak, "Extenal Storage" doesn't refer to physical external 
storage (like USB stick, external HDD, ...) but to storage
that can be access from an *external* device like a computer. Physical 
internal SD card qualify as "external storage" since you can 
read it from a PC a MAC or whatever.

Now were manufacturers did not their job, is when they added additional 
"External storage" (whether it is physically external or not), and put the 
damn mount point
not in a subdirectory of directory returned by 
getExternalStorageDirectory(). So for apps to have access to this 
additional storage, 
apps have to expose all kind of crazy stuff like letting users enter mount 
points, parse /etc/fstab (WTF), etc.

Long story short: all "External Storage" whether physically external or not 
should reside in getExternalStorageDirectory() so apps and users do not 
have to deal with anything else.

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