Al Sutton wrote:
> OK, I'm going to float an idea that I'd like some feedback on from 
> developers and (hopefully) someone at Google (Justin, I'd appreciate any 
> clarification you can give on this).
> My company (Funky Android) is a UK Registered company and I would be 
> willing to allow it to act as a publisher for *some* non-US/UK 
> developers in order to get their paid apps into the app store. What I'd 
> look for is a 2% cut of the app sales price on top of the Markets 30% 
> cut in order to cover support and admin costs (i.e. forwarding user 
> queries, paying the accountant to make sure the money flow is tax 
> efficient and legal, etc.).
> Is this something developers would want and Google would allow?

I had much the same thought late last night: developers residing outside
of Android Market-served areas need an agent to distribute the products
in the Market on their behalf. For some developers, this might need to
be a permanent arrangement, if Google Checkout never reaches their
country for whatever reason.

IANAL, but a quick read of the Developer Distribution Agreement didn't
turn up anything that would prohibit agents from acting on a developer's
behalf. The only thing lightly sticky is that I think the agent's
"contact information will be displayed in each application detail page
and made available to users for customer support purposes."

The big-time headache, of course, is tax considerations. The agent would
have to deal with the same tax considerations that Checkout has
struggled with...which isn't a problem if the agent had to figure that
out already.

An agent could bundle this into a larger service, of course --
distribution through multiple channels, PR and blogger relations,
front-line support (to deal with the "contact information" clause
mentioned above), etc.

A spin on the same concept would be to set up a US- or UK-based
non-profit cooperative whose mission would be to provide those agent
services to its members.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Published!

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