This question is a bit strange, but does anybody know about a common
gotcha when using the AlarmManager? And not knowing it sometimes leads
to the AlarmManger forgetting alarms?

  I have a repeating task that runs once an hour. Some nights it runs
without a hitch and some nights it runs a couple of times and then it

  I am constantly adding to my debug statements and will continue to
do that, but I thought it was worth to just ask ;-)

  Btw. I use the AlarmManager something like this:

AlarmManager.setRepeating(AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP, System.currentTimeMillis() +
     60000, 60*1000*1000, somePendingIntentToTriggerMyTask);

Oh ... and about common gotchas ... Any gotcha how to prevent the
NotificationManager to "allegedly" keep a cancelled notification? ;-)

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