I'm been tracking down this exact issue with my app and it matches
what "focuser" describes.
I turned on copy protection on a free app.  People started getting

The app starts with a help activity containing a webview.
This web view is now throwing an exception trying to access a sqlite
webview.db database on it's own thread and crashing.
In addition, this help activity only starts up if there are no
settings but even upgrades are getting this activity now.

It problem extends to other android APIs as well because if I avoid
the webview, it still crashes in other APIs.

In summary, if you change copy protection for your app:

1. user preferences will be wiped
2. webview will crash
3. other APIs will crash

Removing copy protection does not help because now I've got some users
with and without copy protection and changes in either direction
causes the problem.  Argh...


On Feb 22, 9:55 am, focuser <linto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> confirmed. If you first install an apk unlocked, and then install a
> locked one, you will get that sqlite exception.  also, the old
> preferences seems to be deleted after the locked apk is installed.
> Another thing is, even installed locked from scratch (uninstall and
> adb install -l), there are some problems with resources.  Our app
> displays an HTML page when it starts, but now I get "Web page not
> available:file:///android_asset/welcome.html ...".  This works fine
> if it's installed unlocked.
> This might explain the resource problem that I had before?
> On Feb 22, 9:18 am, Carter <ccjerni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I can confirm that there is a bug with the "forward locking" on the
> > Android Market.  The problem I've experienced is that users upgrading
> > from an unlocked version of Locale to a locked version of Locale are
> > experiencing a crash when opening the app.  The failure is that the
> > app can'topenits ContentProvider (a call to
> > SQLiteOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase() fails).  As an experiment, I
> > tried wrapping the section in a try-catch and to use a newdatabase
> >filename.  My thought was that the old sqlitefilemight be
> > unreadable because of permissions or other problems.  This didn't work
> > though.
> > In your apps, you should be able to reproduce this bug by doing a
> > plain old "adb install myapp.apk",openthe app on the phone, then do
> > an "adb install -l -r myapp.apk".  The -l option enables forward-
> > locking.  When you re-openthe app of the device, you should see the
> > problem reproduce.  This problem also occurs both ways, so users who
> > successfully installed the locked version of the app will see a crash
> > if the next version of the app is unlocked.
> > I've also contacted someone at Google about this, so we'll see what
> > happens.
> > On Feb 21, 4:43 pm, focuser <linto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > There's no error whatsoever when that happens.  Apk was successfully
> > > created and signed just as if everything was fine.  But when you
> > > install and run the apk, you will see the errors.
> > > I will try to see if I could reproduce the problem with a smaller code
> > > base.
> > > On Feb 21, 1:20 pm, Xavier Ducrohet <x...@android.com> wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > do you have an output from Ant when the error happens?
> > > > Ant and Eclipse use mostly the same code to generate the apk, so I'm a
> > > > bit surprised to see this.
> > > > thanks
> > > > Xav
> > > > On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 9:51 AM, focuser <linto...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > On Feb 21, 8:42 am, "Mark Murphy" <mmur...@commonsware.com> wrote:
> > > > >> 1. Why are you "still not able to use an ant script to automate the
> > > > >> build&sign process"?
> > > > >> 2. If you aren't able to do #1, how do you know it "triggers the bug 
> > > > >> and
> > > > >> gives you a corrupted apk"?
> > > > > OK, to clarify: If the ant script is used to sign the apk, it might
> > > > > produce a corrupted apk, i.e. throwing ClassCastException or
> > > > > NullPointerException at some point.  This seems not happening all the
> > > > > time though.  However, if I export an unsigned apk using Eclipse and
> > > > > sign it manually on the exactly same source code, everything is fine.
> > > > > So we had to give up using the ant script.
> > > > > The only "fancy" thing we do in the build script is to copy an xml
> > > > > that has the release Google Maps api key into res/values.  But I think
> > > > > this should have no impact since the copy happens before compilation
> > > > > and the R.java will be regenerated by the build script:
> > > > > ===================================
> > > > >        <target name="copy-release-files">
> > > > >                <copyfile="${build.resources}/api-keys-release.xml" 
> > > > > tofile="$
> > > > > {resource-dir}/values/api-keys.xml" overwrite="true"/>
> > > > >        </target>
> > > > >    <target name="release" depends="copy-release-files, dex, package-
> > > > > res">
> > > > > ===================================
> > > > > =======================================
> > > > > Buildfile: build.xml
> > > > > copy-release-files:
> > > > >     [copy] Copying 1fileto /workspaces/android-ws/theProject/res/
> > > > > values
> > > > > dirs:
> > > > >     [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
> > > > >    [mkdir] Created dir: /workspaces/android-ws/theProject/bin-build
> > > > >    [mkdir] Created dir: /workspaces/android-ws/theProject/bin-build/
> > > > > classes
> > > > > resource-src:
> > > > >     [echo] Generating R.java / Manifest.java from the resources...
> > > > >     [exec]     (skipping hiddenfile'res/drawable/.DS_Store')
> > > > >  ...
> > > > > =======================================
> > > > > I'm not saying this is the same issue as the copy protection.  Just
> > > > > they look very related.
> > > > >> 3. Do you have a reproducible scenario you can publish with code? Or 
> > > > >> does
> > > > >> the phenomenon only occur with this one app?
> > > > > We have not put any effort to reproduce the problem in other code base
> > > > > since we can still export and sign the apk manually without any
> > > > > problems.  We will submit the code if we find a way to reproduce it.
> > > > --
> > > > Xavier Ducrohet
> > > > Android Engineer, Google.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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