Yes I forgot to mention that, I took pains to change code to follow
the same model as in
OpenGL samples and found no improvement too !

My guess is that

Its either OpenGL commands memory bandwidth is very less... as I use
DrawElements only and only person I have heard to get tremendous fps
was using VBOs. But I cannot use VBO due to the nature of the game
elements and the changing vertices.

Or I am doing something wrong with OpenGL initialization code and
pixel format etc ??

On Feb 26, 2:15 am, Jon Colverson <> wrote:
> On Feb 25, 11:39 am, quakeboy <> wrote:
> > More info:-
> > I tested by rendering on the touch event only.. frame rate drops only
> > when u touch and drag
> > and here I have just tested by tapping and releasing gently on the
> > emulator and on the device
> As I said before, this is a very unusual way of doing things. Have you
> tried drawing continuously in a separate thread as in the API demos?
> --
> Jon
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