Provider class public. Check: public class SavingsDbAdapter extends

:) And I implement all the methods for a ContentProvider that Eclipse
asked me to. I do have some static code that runs first, as the
NotesList example does at the bottom of the class. That code seems to
run fine before I hit the exception. I also have added the
android:multiprocess parameter to true, but I wouldn't expect that to
have any effect either way on my problem.

On Mar 6, 12:33 pm, Marco Nelissen <> wrote:
> Did you forget to mark your provider class as public?
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 10:25 AM, droozen <> wrote:
> > Hence the InstantiationException. I get that. But WHY can't it be
> > instantiated or, the real kicker, how can I get it to work? From what
> > I can tell, and from what I keep reading in everything I can find on
> > ContentProviders, everything looks fine with my setup. I don't even
> > know where to look to try to fix my setup. Has anyone else ever
> > encountered this and figured out why your provider couldn't be
> > instantiated?
> > On Mar 6, 12:10 pm, Dianne Hackborn <> wrote:
> >> When a process is started, all content providers that run in it are
> >> instantiated.  Apparently your new content provider can't be instantiated.
> >> On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 5:51 AM, droozen <> wrote:
> >> > So, I was trying to create my own ContentProvider. I want a recurring
> >> > notification (say, once a day) so I discovered that I should be able
> >> > to do this by setting a repeating alarm that my BroadcastReceiver
> >> > class can pick up. Because it's going to perform some calcs, it
> >> > immediately starts a service. So far, so good.
> >> > My service will need to access some data in the SQLite database in my
> >> > application. So I made a content provider to provide that
> >> > functionality. However, after making the content provider and adding
> >> > the provider to my manifest between the application tags:
> >> > <provider android:name="--Fully qualified path name to ContentProvider
> >> > class--" android:authorities="--authority to be used--"></provider>
> >> > Now my application, when it starts up, immediately fails with a
> >> > InstantiationException for my ContentProvider. Any idea what I'm doing
> >> > wrong? Or what else I need to be doing right?
> >> --
> >> Dianne Hackborn
> >> Android framework engineer
> >>
> >> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> >> provide private support.  All such questions should be posted on public
> >> forums, where I and others can see and answer them.
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