I feel I have to reply because I'm one of those OT posters.

I did ask once whether there was a special list for posting questions
and opinions about Market, etc. Apparently there isn't.
I don't think android-discuss suites me (and perhaps more devs) beause
it's too broad - you could discuss whether G1 sucks there for all I
Perhaps there should be android-market or android-after-release list,
which I'll happily join, but in the meantime I feel comfortable to
post such off-topic questions on this one ;)


On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Jon Colverson <jjc1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello.
> I notice that there's been a bit of controversy in the last couple of
> days about off-topic posting on this list. As the list home page says,
> it is intended to be a place to "Discuss developing Android
> applications using the Android framework". While I find the talk about
> the Market and wider issues very interesting, I do think it would be
> better placed on the -discuss list, so that this list can be more
> focussed on technical issues to do with developing using the SDK.
> I wonder if the reason why this list attracts a lot of off-topic stuff
> is the name? I suspect many people don't see the description and just
> interpret "android-developers" to be for discussion of issues
> affecting developers. Perhaps if it was named "android-sdk" (to match
> the new android-ndk list), that would improve things?
> Apologies for the fact that this post itself is off-topic. :-)
> --
> Jon
> >

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