Thanks for the help guys. I'm still having problems reading from the
internet and also displaying the retreived content on a text file. Do
you think it's a code problem or a firewall problem or am i missing
some bit of code in the manifest to access the internet?

On Mar 11, 7:19 am, ku fu panda <> wrote:
>  public static InputStream getInputStreamWithHttpClient( String
> resourceURL )
>         throws IOException
>     {
>         // Create an instance of HttpClient.
>         HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
>         // Create a method instance.
>         HttpGet method = new HttpGet( resourceURL );
>         method.getParams().setIntParameter(
>             CoreConnectionPNames.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT,
>         method.getParams().setIntParameter
> ( CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT,
>             CONNECTION_TINEOUT );
>         method.getParams().setIntParameter(
>             CoreConnectionPNames.SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE, IO_BUFFER_SIZE );
>         method.getParams().setIntParameter(
>             ConnManagerPNames.MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_ROUTE, 5 );
>         method.getParams().setIntParameter(
>             ConnManagerPNames.MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS, 10 );
>         HttpResponse response = null;
>         InputStream input = null;
>         try
>         {
>             response = client.execute( method );
>             HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();
>             input = entity.getContent();
>         }
>         catch ( IOException e )
>         {
>             Log.d( TAG, "Can not connect to the target server!" );
>             throw new IOException();
>         }
>         finally
>         {
>             Log.d( TAG, "close Expired Connections!" );
>             client.getConnectionManager().closeExpiredConnections();
>         }
>         return input;
>     }
> On Mar 10, 12:21 pm, dillirao malipeddi <>
> wrote:
> >  public String get_DAtaFromWeb(String url_toconnect)//throws Exception
> >   {
> >         int connection_Timeout = 10000;// 10sec
> > HttpParams my_httpParams = new BasicHttpParams();;
> > HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(my_httpParams,connection_Timeout)­­;
> >         HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout(my_httpParams,connection_Timeout);
> >         HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(my_httpParams);  //get
> > http client with given params
> >         String responseBody = null;
> >      try
> >      {
> >       HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(url_Pls);
> >       if(myDebug.debug_Log)Log.i("CONTENT GET","executing request " +
> > httpget.getURI());
> >       // Create a response handler
> >       ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
> >       responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler);
> >       }
> >      catch(Exception e)
> >      {
> >      if(myDebug.debug_Log)Log.i("Exception","Http Connection"+e.toString());
> >      }
> >       String Content = responseBody;
> >  if(myDebug.debug_Log)Log.i("","-------------START--------------------------­­-");
> >       if(myDebug.debug_Log)Log.i("Response",""+Content);
> >  if(myDebug.debug_Log)Log.i("","---------------END-------------------------"­­);
> >      return Content;
> >   }
> > On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 4:53 PM, murphy <> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > Was just wondering if anyone had any code samples about writing and
> > > retrieving data from a website? I am currently creating an application
> > > which populates its textviews by accessing information from an online
> > > source.
> > > Thanks, Murphy.
> > --
> > Dilli Rao. M- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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