For me too the sdcard problem ...The file is missing(vold.conf) :( , but i
checked another old sourcebase..where sdcard work.. there also that file
missing !!

Any clues?

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:55 PM, David Turner <> wrote:

> I fear it's a packaging problem. Is there a file named vold.conf in
> /system/etc ?I.e. what is the output of "adb shell /system/etc/vold.conf"
> If the file is missing, the SDCard cannot be mounted even if it is
> recognized by the kernel.
> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Victor <> wrote:
>> I'm also expirienced some problem with a today build of cupcake
>> I just download a cupcake branch of source code and build it.
>> I configured Eclipse for a new SDK, and appear the things is works
>> great, EXCEPT emulator.
>> 1. I configured a new AVD as parameter i pointed my old sdcard.img
>> then loaded and do not see my sdcard
>> 2. then I back and configure another AVD with a parameter to create a
>> new sdcard.img, when the emulator loaded I still not seen sdcard in
>> emulator.
>> 3. then I try to something like: emulator -avd myavd -sdcard
>> mysdcard.img and there is still no sd card.
>> How can I restore my sd card in emulator.
> >

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