On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 11:12 AM, BeWillDir <wmmichael...@gmail.com>
> Now I'm preparing for a trip and I want to continue development
> on my netbook, but I'm haviing trouble with the build process.  It
> appears to run the compiler OK, and generates a set of class files
> identical to that on my first system (verified all checksums), but
> unlike the first system, the netbook build fails in the dx phase with
> messages as shown below. [...]
> dex:
>     [echo] Converting compiled files and external libraries into
> bin/classes.dex...
>    [apply]
>    [apply] trouble processing:
>    [apply] invalid constant pool index 0000
>    [apply] ...while parsing attributes[1]
>    [apply] ...while parsing Code attribute at offset 00000715
>    [apply] ...while parsing attributes[0]
>    [apply] ...while parsing methods[0]
>    [apply] ...while parsing net/from/apprise/Apprise.class
>    [apply] ...while processing net/from/apprise/Apprise.class

The message "invalid constant pool index 0000" is a smoking gun. In
classfiles constant pool index 0 is *always* invalid, so, though you
say that the classfiles are identical, this is evidence that, at least
by the time dx gets to run, they are not.

You might try to diagnose this further by comparing the class
Apprise.class from a known-good run (from the old machine) with the
version of the file that dx complained about. You can try good old
"cmp" (binary compare), and you might also want to do an annotated
dump of the two files. "dx --dump Name.class" can do the latter.

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