OK, Dan, here are fragments of the output resulting from 'dx --dump
bin/classes/net/from/apprise/Apprise.class' when gij is used.  Results
are similar for any class file.  Unfortunately, it's not an outright
crash with a stack dump and I suppose this only gives you an
approximate idea of where it runs off the rails at best.  So if there
is a switch or incantation that will yield something more useful, say
the word and I'll do that...

b...@gizmo:~/android/Apprise$ dx --dump bin/classes/net/from/apprise/
reading bin/classes/net/from/apprise/Apprise.class...
begin classfile
magic: cafebabe
minor_version: 0000
major_version: 0031
constant_pool_count: 007b

  0001: method{android.app.Activity.<init>:()V}
  0002: string{"6095326873"}
  0003: field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.tDest:Ljava/lang/String;}
  0004: string{"SMS_SENT"}
  0005: field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.SENT:Ljava/lang/String;}
  0006: method{android.app.Activity.onCreate:(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V}
  0007: string{"Apprise"}
  0008: string{"Here"}
...stuff omitted from post...
  0075: utf8{"java/lang/Thread"}
  0076: utf8{"sleep"}
  0077: utf8{"(J)V"}
  0078: utf8{"unregisterReceiver"}
  0079: utf8{"(Landroid/content/BroadcastReceiver;)V"}
  007a: utf8{"(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/
end constant_pool
access_flags: public|super
this_class: type{net.from.apprise.Apprise}
super_class: type{android.app.Activity}
interfaces_count: 0000
fields_count: 0003

  access_flags: private|static|final
  name: TAG
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
  attributes_count: 0001

    name: ConstantValue
    length: 00000002
    value: string{"Apprise"}
  end attributes[0]
end fields[0]

  access_flags: 0000
  name: tDest
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
  attributes_count: 0000
end fields[1]

  access_flags: 0000
  name: SENT
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
  attributes_count: 0000
end fields[2]
methods_count: 0002

  access_flags: public
  name: <init>
  descriptor: ()V
  attributes_count: 0001

    name: Code
    length: 00000047
    max_stack: 0002
    max_locals: 0001
    code_length: 00000011
    0000: aload_0 // 00
    0001: invokespecial method{android.app.Activity.<init>:()V}
    0004: aload_0 // 00
    0005: ldc string{"6095326873"}
    0007: putfield field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.tDest:Ljava/lang/
    000a: aload_0 // 00
    000b: ldc string{"SMS_SENT"}
    000d: putfield field{net.from.apprise.Apprise.SENT:Ljava/lang/
    0010: return
    exception_table_length: 0000
    attributes_count: 0002

      name: LineNumberTable
      length: 00000012
      line_number_table_length: 0004
      0000 14
      0004 18
      000a 19
      0010 49
    end attributes[0]

      name: LocalVariableTable
      length: 0000000c
      local_variable_table_length: 0001

trouble parsing:
invalid constant pool index 0000
...while parsing attributes[1]
...while parsing Code attribute at offset 0000072f
...while parsing attributes[0]
...while parsing methods[0]
...while parsing bin/classes/net/from/apprise/Apprise.class

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