Thank you "Strees of Boston".

In the above sample, I replaced the line

Bitmap mutablePhoto = photo.copy(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565, true);


Bitmap mutablePhoto = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(photo, 480, 320,

and now it works. Scaling down did the trick.

Thanks again!


On Apr 2, 12:07 pm, Streets Of Boston <> wrote:
> I have similar experiences. It seems you can have about 1 full size
> pic open (as a bitmap) and a few small ones. Anything extra will give
> you your error-message. In your example, until you call 'photo.recycle
> ()' you have 2 large bitmaps open at the same time at some point
> (photo and mutablePhoto)... and quite a large byte[] array (byte[]
> data) is still allocated as well.
> From what i've read on these forums, you need to scale and/or crop
> your image so that the final image(=bitmap) you're working on is no
> larger (in pixels) than your screen (e.g. 320x480).
> On Apr 2, 2:56 pm, phil <> wrote:
> > I am
> > 1) taking a picture and
> > 2) then draw another Bitmap on top of it
> > 3) then I store it
> > I am doing it as follows and it works on the emulator.
> > On the device I get a OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget
> > Method)
> >
> > in the line copy the Bitmap to get a mutable Bitmap.
> >         private void captureImage() {
> >                 Camera.PictureCallback pcbJpeg = new 
> > Camera.PictureCallback() {
> >                         public void onPictureTaken(byte[] data, Camera c) {
> >                                 // Save Picture
> >                                 Log.v(LOG_TAG, "PictureCallback: 
> > data.length=" + data.length);
> >                                 Bitmap photo = 
> > BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(data, 0,
> > data.length);
> >                                 Bitmap mutablePhoto = 
> > photo.copy(Bitmap.Config.RGB_565, true);
> >                                 photo.recycle();
> >                                 Canvas n = new Canvas(mutablePhoto);
> >                                 n.drawBitmap(myPointOfInterestView.b, 0, 0, 
> > null);
> >                                 String url = 
> > Images.Media.insertImage(getContentResolver(),
> > mutablePhoto,
> >                                                 "title", null);
> >                                 mutablePhoto.recycle();
> >                                 Log.i(LOG_TAG, url);
> >                         }
> >                 };
> > What I am asking:
> > a) Is there a better way to do what I am doing?
> > 1) take a picture
> > 2) draw another Bitmap on top of it
> > 3) then I store it
> > b) What is the best way to create a mutable Bitmap from the picture I
> > just took with the camera?
> > In my app, resolution is not an issue. If it works better for small
> > photos that would be fine.
> > Any help is appreciated,
> > Best regards,
> > Ph
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