I am one, and the error you posted indicates you called setDataSource
while the MediaPlayer was in the 'playback completed' state.
It could be a race condition in the framework, but since I have never
seen this problem occur with the Android music app, I'm inclined to
think it's a problem with your code. As a workaround, you could create
a new MediaPlayer when you want to play something new.

On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:05 PM, ATrubka <atru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Guys, please...
> Is there any Android native code developers around?
> On Apr 8, 12:38 am, ATrubka <atru...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> MediaPlayer.reset() always gets invoked. Here's the exact lines of
>> code:
>>                 _mediaPlayer.reset();
>>                 _mediaPlayer.setDataSource(resource);
>>                 _mediaPlayer.prepare();
>>                 _mediaPlayer.start();
>> Additionally, the error occurs only when next audio starts while
>> previous audio is about to end.
>> If next audio starts in the middle of the playback or after it has
>> completely stopped playing, then everything works fine.
>> It looks pretty much like a synchronization issue to me.
>> This method is not synchronized at the moment.
>> Since most of the MediaPlayer code is native I'm not sure what should
>> be synchronized.
>> On Apr 7, 9:20 pm, Marco Nelissen <marc...@android.com> wrote:
>> > Looks like you're calling MediaPlayer.setDataSource() on a MediaPlayer
>> > that was already initialized, without first calling
>> > MediaPlayer.reset()
>> > On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:28 PM, ATrubka <atru...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > Hi, guys.
>> > > I'm using MediaPlayer and sometimes when first audio is about to end
>> > > and I click to the next audio I get the exception below. Looks like
>> > > the MediaPlayer is in some weird state of stopping playing and cannot
>> > > accept audio at the moment.
>> > > The exception goes to the native code which is greeks to me.
>> > > I couldn't find anything about this error on the internet either.
>> > > Is anyone here familiar with the problem?
>> > > Thank you in advance!
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/MediaPlayer(1066): setDataSource called in
>> > > state 128
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066): Unable to play
>> > > chapter audio
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):
>> > > java.lang.IllegalStateException
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
>> > > android.media.MediaPlayer.setDataSource(Native Method)
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
>> > > com.tourizo.android.services.AudioPlayerService.playResource
>> > > (AudioPlayerService.java:291)
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
>> > > com.tourizo.android.services.AudioPlayerService.access$3
>> > > (AudioPlayerService.java:287)
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
>> > > com.tourizo.android.services.AudioPlayerService$1.playCurrentChapter
>> > > (AudioPlayerService.java:89)
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
>> > > com.tourizo.android.services.AudioPlayerRemoteInterface$Stub.onTransact
>> > > (AudioPlayerRemoteInterface.java:99)
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
>> > > android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:276)
>> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
>> > > dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
> >

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