I agree that it's most likely me doing something wrong.
It looks like when the audio file is about to end the state of
MediaPlayer gets changed in the native code.
And maybe reset() doesn't take effect during this process while
setDataSource(), invoked right after, finds player not to be ready.

Maybe Android music app creates MediaPlayer every time or synchronizes
the invocations somehow.
I wonder whether the situation I described is possible and if it is
whether you can advise on the solution.

I can create MediaPlayer all the time, but I'm afraid to use too many
resources doing so.
I'm usually reluctant to creation of unnecessary objects.

I really appreciate your help and apologize for my not very deep
knowledge of the player functionality.

On Apr 9, 3:23 pm, Marco Nelissen <marc...@android.com> wrote:
> I am one, and the error you posted indicates you called setDataSource
> while the MediaPlayer was in the 'playback completed' state.
> It could be a race condition in the framework, but since I have never
> seen this problem occur with the Android music app, I'm inclined to
> think it's a problem with your code. As a workaround, you could create
> a new MediaPlayer when you want to play something new.
> On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 1:05 PM,ATrubka<atru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Guys, please...
> > Is there any Android native code developers around?
> > On Apr 8, 12:38 am,ATrubka<atru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> MediaPlayer.reset() always gets invoked. Here's the exact lines of
> >> code:
> >>                 _mediaPlayer.reset();
> >>                 _mediaPlayer.setDataSource(resource);
> >>                 _mediaPlayer.prepare();
> >>                 _mediaPlayer.start();
> >> Additionally, the error occurs only when next audio starts while
> >> previous audio is about to end.
> >> If next audio starts in the middle of the playback or after it has
> >> completely stopped playing, then everything works fine.
> >> It looks pretty much like a synchronization issue to me.
> >> This method is not synchronized at the moment.
> >> Since most of the MediaPlayer code is native I'm not sure what should
> >> be synchronized.
> >> On Apr 7, 9:20 pm, Marco Nelissen <marc...@android.com> wrote:
> >> > Looks like you're calling MediaPlayer.setDataSource() on a MediaPlayer
> >> > that was already initialized, without first calling
> >> > MediaPlayer.reset()
> >> > On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 1:28 PM,ATrubka<atru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > > Hi, guys.
> >> > > I'm using MediaPlayer and sometimes when first audio is about to end
> >> > > and I click to the next audio I get the exception below. Looks like
> >> > > the MediaPlayer is in some weird state of stopping playing and cannot
> >> > > accept audio at the moment.
> >> > > The exception goes to the native code which is greeks to me.
> >> > > I couldn't find anything about this error on the internet either.
> >> > > Is anyone here familiar with the problem?
> >> > > Thank you in advance!
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/MediaPlayer(1066): setDataSource called in
> >> > > state 128
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066): Unable to play
> >> > > chapter audio
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):
> >> > > java.lang.IllegalStateException
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
> >> > > android.media.MediaPlayer.setDataSource(Native Method)
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
> >> > > com.tourizo.android.services.AudioPlayerService.playResource
> >> > > (AudioPlayerService.java:291)
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
> >> > > com.tourizo.android.services.AudioPlayerService.access$3
> >> > > (AudioPlayerService.java:287)
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
> >> > > com.tourizo.android.services.AudioPlayerService$1.playCurrentChapter
> >> > > (AudioPlayerService.java:89)
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
> >> > > com.tourizo.android.services.AudioPlayerRemoteInterface$Stub.onTransact
> >> > > (AudioPlayerRemoteInterface.java:99)
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
> >> > > android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:276)
> >> > > 04-07 20:19:35.855: ERROR/AudioPlayerService(1066):     at
> >> > > dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)
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