When you say "project in Eclipse", do you mean an Android project
created using the ADT plugin from the SDK?

The Camera app is a system app. You can't compile its Java code using
a regular SDK project since the SDK does not have access to the
system's internals.


On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 1:29 PM, Win Myo Htet <g1.wmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just downloaded the source for Camera and get 447 errors when I open the
> project in Eclipse.
> Here are some sample errors:
> Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
> android.content.res.Configuration.HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO cannot be
> resolved    MenuHelper.java    Camera/src/com/android/camera    line 690
> Java Problem
> android.R.styleable cannot be resolved    ImageGallery2.java
> Camera/src/com/android/camera    line 807    Java Problem
> Class com.android.camera.UploadService does not exist
> AndroidManifest.xml    Camera    line 14    Android Problem
> com.android.camera.PhotoAppWidgetProvider does not extend
> android.content.BroadcastReceiver    AndroidManifest.xml    Camera    line
> 206    Android Problem
> Environment.MEDIA_CHECKING cannot be resolved    Camera.java
> Camera/src/com/android/camera    line 913    Java Problem
> ERROR Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'theme' with
> value '@android:style/Theme.NoDisplay').    AndroidManifest.xml    Camera
> line 223    aapt Problem
> ERROR No resource identifier found for attribute 'configure' in package
> 'android'    appwidget_info.xml    Camera/res/xml    line 17    aapt Problem
> I'll be glad if I can get advice on getting rid of them.
> Thx,
> wmhtet
> >

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