Actually the press release says carriers and billing settlement fees.
The billing settlement might count as payment to google. I would
assume the "Settlement" fees would be about the same as a normal
google checkout transaction.
Either way 30% is a pretty fair fee. If you disagree check out what
places like PalmGear, handago, and so on used to charge. Or look into
what it would cost you to get a merchant account and be able to
generate the traffic the market does.

On Apr 16, 9:59 am, Sundog <> wrote:
> On Apr 16, 10:46 am, Robert Green <> wrote:
> > Can I ask the obvious question, then?  If it doesn't go to google,
> > then where does it go?
> Can I give the obvious reply? Oooh, me, me, me.
> This information is easily available to anyone who has done even the
> *slightest* research. It's for carrier fees, as has been made
> completely clear to anyone paying attention over the last six months.
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