I actually don't mind testing against 1.5 emulator image as long as
the .apk built by 1.1 target is fully compatible with the 1.1 sdk and
can be uploaded to the market. I actually do most of my testing on the
device itself (it is 1.1), and this way I would be able to easily test
against both SDK versions.


On Apr 17, 5:52 am, David Turner <di...@android.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 8:30 AM, Mariano Kamp <mariano.k...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > It says inhttp://developer.android.com/sdk/preview/:
> > >>SDK Known Issues
> > No network access from emulator while running Android 1.1 target
> > Applications can not access the network when running on an Android 1.1
> > target in the emulator included in the SDK.<<
> > So, you can develope for 1.1 and 1.5 as long as your app doesn't use
> > the network.
> Yes, but to make it clear: this bug will be fixed in the non-preview SDK 1.5
> release
> and you will be able to test networking against 1.1 system images.
> > On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 3:53 PM, StefanK <skyntc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > As the new Eclipse plugin (ADT 0.9) can target both 1.1 and 1.5 SDKs.
> > > is it safe to use 1.1 target to build applications for 1.1 SDK that
> > > can be distributed on the Market right now?
> > > (It appears to work well so far with the only difference I found is
> > > that the signed file (using Export Signed Application Package) is
> > > about 15K smaller (on a 500KB APK) compared to exporting it as
> > > "Unsigned" from 0.8 ADT and signing it using the external jarsigner
> > > tool.)
> > > I could not find a good way to keep both 0.8 and 0.9 working together
> > > side by side. I have 2 eclipse installs for each ADT but for some
> > > reason they seem to share the location of the SDK (under Window >
> > > Preferences > Android). Apart from the SDK location, because of the
> > > new /gen folder, if I want to share the same project between the 2, I
> > > also have to include/exclude the /gen from build path.
> > > If it is not safe to use ADT 0.9 for 1.1 target, is there a special
> > > trick to keep 0.8 and 0.9 working side by side until an official 0.9
> > > release?
> > > Stefan
> > > On Apr 15, 7:49 pm, "Justin (Google Employee)" <j...@google.com>
> > > wrote:
> > > > Sure, start testing your apps against the preview SDK. You can start
> > > > using new API features, as long as you're aware that the 1.5 API is
> > > > *not* finalized. Functionality could be added or removed and method
> > > > signatures may change.
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > Justin
> > > > Android Team @ Google
> > > > On Apr 15, 11:07 am, clark <clarkd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > However, in the specific case of acquiring mic audio, there may be
> > an
> > > > > > Android
> > > > > > engineer here that could confirm that this is going to be in the
> > released
> > > > > > platform,
> > > > > > it's just that I don't know the answer.
> > > > > Hmm, I sure hope that is a feature since it is listed as one of the
> > > > > new features in the early look of Android 1.5 SDK.
> > > > > Is it a bad idea to start working with these new features?  I was
> > > > > hoping that was part of offering this early look, not just to test
> > > > > existing apps, but to get familiar with additions to the SDK.
> > > > > Either way, the early look SDK is allowing me to get raw audio from
> > > > > the phones mic and run it through an FFT.  The test "notes" I was
> > > > > sending through are being analyzed by the FFT correctly, and I can
> > say
> > > > > I am quite happy with the features so far.
> > > > > BTW, the emulator is great and should be used as a step in the
> > testing/
> > > > > debugging process but as an embedded developer, I value running
> > things
> > > > > on the actual metal rather than trust the simulation/emulation,
> > > > > especially when it comes to performance.
> > > > > Regards,
> > > > > ~Clark
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