Ok, I'm really struggling with what is likely a simple issue. All I
really want to do is have an activity spawn a thread to do a non-
trivial action (for now, just testing with sleep(5000) ). Then, when
that non-trivial action completes,  the thread should notify the
activity, and the activity should present something visual, and
proceed. Simple enough right? I'm trying to use a Handler subclass to
which I send messages using sendMessage(). That handler subclass with
then notify the activity. It all seems to work actually, but then when
the thread completes, android is throwing an unhelpful exception:

05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073): *** Uncaught remote
exception!  (Exceptions are not yet supported across processes.)
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):
android.util.AndroidRuntimeException: { what=1004 when=4149225
arg2=1 } This message is already in use.
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):     at
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):     at
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):     at
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):     at
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):     at
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):     at
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):     at android.view.IWindow
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):     at
05-13 00:58:14.476: ERROR/JavaBinder(1073):     at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)

As a seasoned Java developer, running into trouble like this so early
in a new project is frustrating. However, I believe in Android and the
broader Google development platforms, so I'd really like to solve
this, but I think I need the communities help. Even just some sample
code (skeleton apps) that demo some best practices regarding the
threading (such as usage of HandlerThread and Looper) would be a big


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