> Ahhh... those were the days.... bitshifting instead of multiplication & 
> dividing.... XORing a value by itself being quicker than setting it to zero 
> (seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitwise_operation#XORif you think I'm making 
> this one up, it was certainly true on a Motorola 68000 embedded system I 
> worked on).

heh, that's still done on x86 but only because the instruction is
smaller (so icache is used more efficiently), I don't think it's any

These sorts of tricks are a pain in java because of the lack of signed
types anyway. Does anybody know a Java-like language that targets the
JVM and fixes some of these annoyances? It doesn't have to be a big
deviation from the standard, but some stuff is just soooooooo
annoying ...
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