I have checked the browser, but it uses a method not available in the
sdk to handle ssl errors. Inside TabControl.java, it has this:

private class SubWindowClient extends WebViewClient {


        public void onReceivedSslError(WebView view, SslErrorHandler handler,
                SslError error) {

                mClient.onReceivedSslError(view, handler, error);


onReceivedSslError isn't a method available in the sdk, which is how I
assume you would handle this sort of problem.


On May 24, 10:14 pm, Mariano Kamp <mariano.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> When I have issues like that I check how the built-in browser handles the
> url.
> On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 10:47 PM, Al <alcapw...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Hi, I'm using webview to try and load a url over a https connection,
> > but all I get is a blank page. I've set up my WebViewClient and
> > overrode the error and page loading started methods. The debug
> > messages show the page is being loaded and InetAddress shows it made
> > the made lookup but no content is shown and no error is thrown. I've
> > tried loading a non-ssl page, which worked fine.
> > I've had a look at the webkit package and it has a SslErrorHandler
> > class, but I can't find anyway to hook onto it's methods. I've also
> > had looked at the android browser code and it overrides a method not
> > found in the sdk.
> > So does anyone know how I can load up an SSL site which uses a self
> > signed cert in a webview?
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