Skip the work is not a really good option in my case. I have very
little work to do, get next headline and push widget update. So it's
probably will spend equal amount of time of starting and stopping
alarm manager , yes it's really good option and you don't need set
very long time - setting it to 0 does the job.

On Jun 22, 6:00 pm, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> Alexey Volovoy wrote:
> > hm.. based on the  logs from UpdateService onStart - it's still
> > executing update after i've uchecked the setting.
> That's odd. That means they must be using a WAKEUP form of AlarmManager.
> I would have expected otherwise.
> One option is for you to watch for ACTION_SCREEN_ON and
> ACTION_SCREEN_OFF broadcast Intents in your service (or use some other
> method to see if the screen is not -- not sure if there's a simple API
> for that). When you know the screen is off, skip the work in the update.
> Another alternative is for you to specify an effectively infinitely long
> updateTimeMillis (2 billion milliseconds or so is over a year) and use
> AlarmManager yourself. You can push updates to the widget whenever you
> want -- updateTimeMillis is just a convenient means for doing so. In
> your own AlarmManager work, don't use one of the WAKEUP variants, and
> the alarm will fire when the phone next awakens if it ordinarily would
> have fired while the phone was asleep.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)|
> Warescription: Three Android Books, Plus Updates, $35/Year
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