Below is a small portion of the code I'm attempting to do this with.
DayView is simply an extention of LinearLayout, and homeLayout is the
layout I'm trying to add each DayView to.

When I'm debugging with a break inside of the onClick(View v) method,
it never breaks.

DayView day = scheduleList.createDayView(this, date);

day.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
                if (v instanceof DayView) {
                        DayView dv = (DayView) v;
                        Date date = dv.getDate();
                                // MJ: Open day activity

On Jul 7, 11:05 am, Michael J <> wrote:
> So I've been extremely frustrated by this for a long time now.  I've
> posted before, but can't seem to find a good solution.
> My goal is to have something pretty much exactly like the installed
> application details page in the Android Market.  I need a list of
> items displayed along with other content above the list, and would
> like the content above to scroll up along with the list (exactly like
> the application details does for the "My Review" and other descriptive
> info).
> Due to responses to my previous posts, I came to believe that it
> really wasn't possible to do this with a ListView.  So rather than
> using a ListView, I refactored my code to use a simple LinearLayout
> and add individual View items to the list, thinking I could just set
> each View as clickable and add an OnClickListener to each View in the
> LinearLayout.  That's not working at all though, and now I'm getting
> even more frustrated.
> If someone can help me get the OnClickListener working, then I think
> it'll work, but I do need a separator for the LinearLayout.  How do I
> add a separator like the one used for ListView to my LinearLayout?
> Thanks for anything you can offer!
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