Shibbs wrote:
> I am trying to create a separate Contacts "stand alone" App using the
> existing android contacts source code, once that done I intend to add
> some more features ( code ) to contacts source & make a contacts.apk
> out of it.
> Is it possible?

Not without a lot of work.

> The problem I faced was, when I pulled the contacts app source code,
> there were many internal api calls & Private api references. I tried
> to resolve them by including those internal api source code & class
> files(available from the android source code) in my project, but there
> are still many errors & internal api calls, which I am not sure how to
> resolve them like:
> import android.os.ServiceManager
> android.provider.Gmail
> android.provider.Im
> android.provider.Telephony
> acquireProvider(Uri)
> deleteRow()
> lookupProviderNameFromId(int)
> ISyncAdapter
> IContentProvider
> etc....
> Is there a way to solve these internal API issue?

Do not try to build that code as a separate project. The built-in
applications, in general, are designed to be built as part of the
firmware, not simply to the SDK.

> Can somebody lead me to a correct direction?

You have not indicated what the "direction" is.

If you are trying to assist with the Android open source project, and
make patches to Contacts, do not pull it into a separate application.
Rather, follow the instructions at to build
firmware and make your changes that way.

If you are trying to make a separate installable application, remove all
functionality from the code that relies upon classes not in the SDK.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

_The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_
Version 0.9 Available!

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