Thanx Yusuf,

your advice is right, i should optimise later. I have to admit i am just 
started exploring Java and the android API, so hence the sloppyness.

The main point is, that being so new, i have to post these kind of 
questions to take away some insecurity on choices i make. If I 
understand your point correctly, it is not bad practice what i did. I 
just need to optimize...

Using a dotmanager, isnt it more expensive to go through all the dots an 
update them. I can imagine by using the architecture as is and not 
implement another structure, this would be faster.

Any ideas on that?


Yusuf T. Mobile wrote:
> Code first for simplicity then optimize if/as needed. That being said
> (well, more like pontificated, sorry), a simpler design would be to
> aggregate all your dots into a DotManager. This would listen and draw
> all the dots as needed. Aggregation works if all the dots are similar
> enough that their code can be centralized, and if I understand your
> problem correctly (all dots listen for the same event and then they
> all move), my brilliant and royalty-free design would be appropriate.
> Yusuf Saib
> Android
> ·T· · ·Mobile· stick together
> The views, opinions and statements in this email are those of the
> author solely in their individual capacity, and do not necessarily
> represent those of T-Mobile USA, Inc.
> On Aug 11, 9:13 am, ""
> <> wrote:
>> I was wondering if the following is considered good practice.
>> I am creating mulitple Dot instance. A Dot instance is a value object
>> containing x,y, color, diameter fields.
>> I draw each created Dot to a view:
>> <code>
>>        canvas.drawCircle( dot.getX(),dot.getY(),dot.getDiameter
>> (),paint);
>> </code>
>> Now i want all the Dots to listen to a certain event, lets say that i
>> want to click a button and move all the Dots.
>> What i do is in the Dot constructor i add this code:
>> <code>
>>    IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter
>> ("org.dadata.demo.SEND_TO_REACTOR");
>>    Appcontext.registerReceiver(this, intentFilter);
>>    .......
>>     @Override
>>     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
>>         this.x += 5;
>>     }
>> </code>
>> Then from my button i send the intent :
>> <code>
>> intent.setAction("org.dadata.demo.SEND_TO_REACTOR");
>> getApplicationContext().sendBroadcast(intent);
>> View.invalidate();
>> </code>
>> I am wondering if someone could give me some feedback on this. Is it
>> expensive for instance, and are there better ways to achive the same.
>> Thank you,
>> Jiri
> > 

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