Kent wrote:
> #1: What is a correct method for selecting package names? I have
> started using a convention "com.myAppClass.appname". Where
> "myAppClass" is a arbitrary name that applies to a group of related
> apps and "appname" is the specific application (e.g.
> "com.mycategory.appDemo" and "com.mycategory.appFull"). Is this right?

I would recommend it be the reverse of a domain name that you own (e.g.,
com.commonsware.whatever). That is what the com.* convention refers to:

> #2: What do I do about the app already released as a ""
> package? My assumption is to recreate it using the above convention.
> What will the effect be on users who want to upgrade the application
> through the market ... or will the market even accept an upgrade
> version using a different package name?

AFAIK, the Market will not accept an upgrade version using a different
package name. You will need to release it as a new app.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

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