First I got to apologize for that double posting. I got impatient
since it took so long for the message to appear.

In the meantime I figured it out myself, indeed using
within the Activity tag in the AndroidManifest. Now it works like a

Having solved this, a new question arises: how can I securely exit the
app when it loses focus, i.e. the user returns to the homescreen? I
don't want no background process.

Thanks to all,

On 15 Dez., 19:29, G <> wrote:
> You need to check the Activity's entry in the Manifest and alter the
> android:configChanges to include keyboardHidden and orientation
> Then you need to override OnConfigurationChanged() method in your
> activity.
> More details 
> here...
> On Dec 15, 7:10 am, steff <> wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> > I got my hands on Android which is really fun. But at some point I
> > don't seem to understand the concept. I've got a Main class which
> > reads like this:
> > public class Main extends Activity implements SensorEventListener
> > { ... }
> > in the onCreate(...)  I set the layout to
> > setContentView(R.layout.main);
> > and add an OnTouchEvent Listener to the sole View in main.xml:
> > myView.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
> >                         @Override
> >                         public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) 
> > {...
> > As you can see I also implemented a SensorEventListener which is used
> > if required. All works fine so far.
> > But my problem is this (at this point my misunderstanding kicks in):
> > whenever I rotate the device the onCreate(), onStart() etc. methods
> > are called, causing my app to act as if it just started. Furthermore,
> > I feel unable to implement an onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw,
> > int oldh) { ... } Listener.
> > Can anyone please explain where my error in reasoning is? I am working
> > on a tiny app which is more or less done, except for the just
> > mentioned bug(s). Maybe I got it all wrong but it does what it is
> > supposed to do (i.e. sending touch positions and accelerometer data
> > over the network via UDP).
> > Thanks for any help.
> > Regards,
> > Steff

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