You can call Location#getTime to see when the fix returned by
LocationManager#getLastKnownLocation was taken. The
getLastKnownLocation method doesn't start the GPS, so the fix may be
from a long time ago, and not be a good indicator of the current

The accuracy of the fix refers to the accuracy at the time the fix was
taken. I don't see how it could be easily updated to refer to the
accuracy with respect to the current location. That would require
starting the GPS and taking another fix to find the current location,
in which case the new fix would become the last known location and
there would be no point.

If you want current fixes, use the
LocationManager#requestLocationUpdates methods.

On Jan 4, 6:07 am, nr1 <> wrote:
> Hi,
> i know how to get the calculated GPS position via getLastKnownLocation
> (). As tests show, this function really always returns the last known
> location, so it doesn't matter if there is a gps fix available.
> How can i check if the returned location is reliable?
> I tried it with getAccurracy(), but this function even returns a
> accurracy although no gps fix is availavle (anymore). Is there a
> possibility to get gps dop values?
> Used SDK is 1.6,
> thx

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