I am on Windows 7 too, but didn't have any problem installing the
Android SDK. Try watching this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqPfi6N4iEY
and see if you missed out any steps. It's Windows XP, but it doesn't
matter it works the same as Vista and 7.

On Jan 4, 11:24 pm, ClarkBattle <clarkbat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am installing on Windows 7.
> Window > Preferences...> Android is not there, even though the tools
> are installed.  Reinstalling Eclipse does not fix the problem.
> On Jan 4, 1:10 pm, ClarkBattle <clarkbat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was completely set up with android 2.0 and eclipse.  Everything
> > worked fine.  Then I tried to upgrade to 2.0.1 and now eclipse wont
> > show any of the android plug in stuff.  There is nothing in the IDE
> > relating to android anymore.  No AVD, no android projects, nothing.
> > If I go to Help -> Install New Software, select "Android Eclair 
> > -https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/eclipse/"; for the "Work with", and
> > look under Developer Tools I get these:
> >     Android DDMS        0.9.5.v200911191123-20404
> >     Android Development Tools   0.9.5.v200911191123-20404
> > These are the mot current android 2.0.1 tools.  It shows that they are
> > already installed (clicking the "Hide items that are already
> > installed" box removes them).  However, eclipse looks like i just
> > installed it vanilla with no plugins at all.
> > Is there something else I need to do?  "Check for Updates" says there
> > is nothing to update.  Should I blow away eclipse and reinstall it
> > from scratch?  Doesnt that defeat the purpose of the automatic
> > updater?
> > Confused
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