Apparently this is a common issue with Windows 7 and eclipse plugins.
Eclipse does not like having more than one plug in at a time on
Windows 7.  Doing so may or may not work depending on how astrological
constellations align with the mating cycle of the Australian Gypsy
Moth.  The solution is to log in as admin and blow away C:\Users\admin
\.eclipse directory.  Eclipse will recreate it when you restart it.
You then have to re-enter the plug-in url for android and update it.
This time android will be the only plug in.  Not even the ones that
came with Eclipse will be there.  This fixed it for me.

On Jan 4, 3:38 pm, Daan <> wrote:
> I am on Windows 7 too, but didn't have any problem installing the
> Android SDK. Try watching this video
> and see if you missed out any steps. It's Windows XP, but it doesn't
> matter it works the same as Vista and 7.
> On Jan 4, 11:24 pm, ClarkBattle <> wrote:
> > I am installing on Windows 7.
> > Window > Preferences...> Android is not there, even though the tools
> > are installed.  Reinstalling Eclipse does not fix the problem.
> > On Jan 4, 1:10 pm, ClarkBattle <> wrote:
> > > I was completely set up with android 2.0 and eclipse.  Everything
> > > worked fine.  Then I tried to upgrade to 2.0.1 and now eclipse wont
> > > show any of the android plug in stuff.  There is nothing in the IDE
> > > relating to android anymore.  No AVD, no android projects, nothing.
> > > If I go to Help -> Install New Software, select "Android Eclair 
> > > -"; for the "Work with", and
> > > look under Developer Tools I get these:
> > >     Android DDMS        0.9.5.v200911191123-20404
> > >     Android Development Tools   0.9.5.v200911191123-20404
> > > These are the mot current android 2.0.1 tools.  It shows that they are
> > > already installed (clicking the "Hide items that are already
> > > installed" box removes them).  However, eclipse looks like i just
> > > installed it vanilla with no plugins at all.
> > > Is there something else I need to do?  "Check for Updates" says there
> > > is nothing to update.  Should I blow away eclipse and reinstall it
> > > from scratch?  Doesnt that defeat the purpose of the automatic
> > > updater?
> > > Confused
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