I've been trying to write an application that uses the Camera App to
take a picture. So far, the only thing I've been able to get back
successfully is a tiny bitmap picture. I've found several other posts
related to this topic that have code that is reported to work, but it
does not work for me. I'm hoping someone can steer me in the right

Below is the code I am using currently, but it causes the application
to blow up.

        private void takePicture(final int x, final int y, String
description) {
                // create a file on the SD card
                File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(),
                                "tmp_" + 
String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) +
                // Create the URI that tells the camera where to put the 
                mOutputFileUri = Uri.fromFile(file);
                statusLine.setText("URI => " + mOutputFileUri);
                mIntent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE)
                        .putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, mOutputFileUri)
                        .putExtra(PIC_X, x)  // x coordinate of square
                        .putExtra(PIC_Y, y)  // y coordinate of square
                        .putExtra("return-data", true)
                startActivityForResult(mIntent, PIC_FROM_CAMERA);

Ultimately, I want to be able to get the picture back and do two
things with it: create a 64x64 icon that is displayed by the Android
application, and upload the picture to a web application.

Thank you for any help or advice you can give.
Oh, btw, I'm running this on the emulator using Android 2.0

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