Thanks Bob,

the problem for me is that even I add a Exception breakpoint, and the
when the BP is hit, I still cannot get more information from it, there
is no ex variable I can evaluate. if you want to know what I mean, try
the following code in onCreate of an Activity class:

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.i(TestActivity.class.toString(),"onCreate called");
        int b = 0;
        int a = 1/b; //ArithmeticException
        System.out.print(a); //just to get rid of warning.

when the faulty line is hit, debugger stop at the line, but you don't
know what's in that exception, some exception classes carries more
information than the name indicates.

On Feb 9, 3:39 pm, Bob Kerns <> wrote:
> If you are in the debugger, either at a breakpoint or having stepped
> over some code that justs threw an exception, I have yet to see a case
> where, after stepping through using the Step Over button, you don't
> eventually come to a frame that has the exception in it.
> You can then use the Display window to do ex.printStackTrace(). The
> stack trace will indicate where. You can actually click on the
> displayed stacktrace in the console to take you to the source, if it's
> available!
> You can do the ex.printStackTrace() in the catch clause of your
> debugging try/catch statement, too -- but the above technique avoids
> the need to modify and re-run your code.
> But it's better to catch it in the act. In the Breakpoints pane, click
> on the Exceptions Breakpoint icon (it looks like an exclamation
> point). Enter your selection -- or even Exception if you want to see
> every single one. Of course, then you have to re-run your code. Except
> sometimes you can re-execute a higher-level frame, and not restart.
> Just be aware that the code may not do exactly the same thing in that
> case, depending on what side-effects the code has already done.
> I usually run with an Error breakpoint as well.
> On Feb 8, 11:29 pm, RustedInSeattle <> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >       I am pretty new to Android, the thing that bugs me the most
> > about the IDE is that I am not able to get any information about an
> > unexpected exception when it gets thrown, I can put a try catch block
> > around identified code that generates it, but in many cases it takes
> > time to find the line of code that generates the exception. is there
> > any other way I can get the exception information?  in JDT when an
> > unexpected exception is thrown the call stack displays the exception
> > class name. but in ADT this doesn't work.
> >      Thanks in advance!
> > -Xiaotian- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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