
thanks for your answer. i first try it with the getLatitudeSpan and so
on and check, if this point is visible or not. this works fine in the
most cases.
it also works, if i touch (ACTION_DOWN) the map with my thumb, move
the map (ACTION_MOVE), and leave the thumb from the map (ACTION_UP).
But if i scroll the map very fast, the map continue "scrolling" after
ACTION_UP. So how can i detect, if the map has a new Map center for

Another solution could be, that i transmit the gps points to my
overlay class, check whether the point is visible and draw the line
(because every time the map position chages, the draw method will be
called)? In the thread mentioned above i read, that it is more
efficient to draw the lines into a bitmap and than draw the bitmap
instead of use the canvas.drawLine function. Means that, that i use
ONE bitmap for all lines or must i create a bitmap for each line? I
dont find a nice tutorial for that and i have a mental block now...
how would the code looks like? :

class MyOverlay extends Overlay
     //List of my gps points;
     { .....

      public boolean draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean
shadow, long when)
           Canvas can = new Canvas (); //i have read that some times
the canvas has height=0 and width=0 at the beginning??)
           bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(canvas.getWidth(),
canvas.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

           iterate through the list and check, whether point is
visible or not
                //how to add a line to that bitmap??
           //how to draw the bitmap??

or can i add all gps points (no check, if gps point is visible) into
the bitmap and the perfomance is still fast??

Thanks again,

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