Nick Owens wrote:
> Mark:
> Hmmm, something doesn't add up...
>> Bear in mind, as demonstrated in the video, that you're going to use up
>> maybe 75% of the battery life this way.
> I ran the math on the battery life figures discussed in the video, and this
> way won't even use up 1% of the battery life, worst case.  Where are you
> getting that 75% number?  Let's be realistic.
> ((1100 total mamps / (100 mamps/hour for minimal 3G access / 10 usage of the
> hour required for 360 1-second connections)) = ~1%.
> And those are actually pretty fat estimates.

Whoops, my bad. I was thinking 2-3 seconds, not minutes.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) |

Android Training in US: 26-30 April 2010:

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