Note again that though this bug makes this issue happen much more
frequently, it CAN happen in normal situations.  I am sorry for the trouble
this has caused, however as a rule it is correct to design your code without
the assumption that onDestroy() will happen before onCreate().

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 8:15 PM, skyhigh <> wrote:

> This issue has been causing serious problems for users of my audiobook
> player application on 2.1 phones.  The problems with the activity life
> cycle cause corresponding problems with the service life cycle.
> A service allows onStart to be called multiple times for the same
> service instance.  This is normal expected behavior for a service.
> But when the start and stop intents being given to the service get
> reordered it causes serious problems.  This is because the sequence:
> Service.onCreate
> Service.onStart
> Service.onStart
> Service.onDestroy
> is a valid sequence to execute on a service, and even though onStart
> is called multiple times it is correct behavior that the service to be
> destroyed on the first stop service command.
> Take the simple case where an activity starts a service in onCreate
> and stops the service in onDestroy.  Bringing up the activity two
> times should result in the following sequence:
> 1st use
> Activity.onCreate (starts service)
> Service.onCreate
> Service.onStart
> Activity.finish
> Activity.onDestroy (stops service)
> Service.onDestroy
> 2nd use
> Activity.onCreate (starts service)
> Service.onCreate
> Service.onStart
> Activity.finish
> Activity.onDestroy (stops service)
> Service.onDestroy
> Because of this activity life cycle bug the following is occurring on
> 2.1 phones:
> 1st use
> Activity.onCreate (starts service)
> Service.onCreate
> Service.onStart
> Activity.finish (the destroy gets delayed)
> 2nd use
> Activity.onCreate (starts service)
> Service.onStart (service still exists)
> delayed
> Activity.onDestroy (stops service)
> Service.onDestroy
> At this point the 2nd activity instance is running but the service is
> it using has now been destroyed.  The point at which the service gets
> destroyed randomly occurs when the delayed Activity.onDestroy was
> called.
> The way I plan to work around this issue is to change my activity to
> send the stop service intent just prior to calling Activity.finish.
> This way the stop service intent will be executed at the correct point
> in time even if the activity onStop and onDestroy get delayed until
> later.
> This problem has been difficult to track down not having a 2.1 device
> myself.  I should have validation from some of my customers soon as to
> whether this work around resolves the problems they have been having.
> --
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Dianne Hackborn
Android framework engineer

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provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
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