Thank you Dianne,

Its not even passing onStop and onDestroy at some point in the future.
It is only doing it in some point in the future when more activities
are started. I tested it 4-5 times and let it run for atleast 5
minutes. So I don't know how long I have to wait for the thread to

Can anyone suggest a work around for this issue.
I have a background thread which starts in the onCreate methos and
which I close in the onDestroy method. But because of this bug in the
sdk 2.1 my thread never stops. But when the user closes the
app[onDestroy hasn't been called] and opens my application again, I
try to create the thread in the onCreate. But after this is done at
some point the onDestroy from the earlier activity is called which
sends a messahe to my thread's handler to stop the thread. So the app
runs now but the background thread doesnot run.

Another problem that I face with the same issue is since the handle
passes the message to stop the thread even while it is supposed to
run, my events trigger actions where i have to write to database from
the background thread. Now since that is null it shows the force close

The only option that I see is to detect the build version each time my
app starts and try to limit the things the user can do in those
versions, which ofcourse is not much more than just undesirable

Please let me know if anyone has a workaround for this one.

thank you.

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