Does this framework support simple 2d physics and collision detection and/or elastic collision?


On 10/03/2010 01:11, Mario Zechner wrote:
While it's not nearly as full featured as XNA i started working on
something similar to XNA. It allows you to develop your games mostly
on the desktop and deploying it to your Android device with just a
couple of lines that instantiate a special Activity subclass. It's
based on OpenGL and allows developing 2D and 3D games. I just finished
writting all the java doc for it and am constantly adding new features
to it. It's called libgdx and can be found at
I also started blogging about it lately and will continue so adding
sample codes for specific problems. You can find that blog at An introduction to it can be found at A
series of small tutorials wil follow this week and next week.

  The whole thing is LGPL so that there's no problem including it in
commercial apps. It's far from being perfect of course but i think the
base functionality and ease of use can kill some of the burden a fresh
android game developer has to overcome.

I'm open for suggestions and features you want to see in there!

On 9 Mrz., 22:35, Piotr<>  wrote:

At my daily job I work as WinMo C++ developer, so I had enough time to
become hater of that platform ;)

But now, M$ is coming with new Windows Phone. As I suspected, they
will abandon awful Win32/MFC native coding and all applications, will
be now managed - run in CLR sandboxes on top of 15 years old Win32

Main coding language will be C#  with .NET framework - Java rival.

WinMo always was terrible phone OS, but now, more interesting is, that
Windows Phone will support XNA framework:

This is full gaming framework with C# interfaces and support for 2D/3D
graphics, animation, sprites, net play, game sound, controllers, etc..
XNA greatly improves creating games, because it gives a developer an
ready to use game abstraction layer.

To the point; Android needs game framework, like XNA. Maybe it should
be written as NDK library, ready to link with your own application.
This library could load, manage and draw sprites, backgrounds, make
simple physics, etc..

Why ? To create games faster, easier. At this time, you must be very
skilled to create simple platformer with 2 bkgs and 5 sprites. Our
devices have even 1GHz CPU's and animation can be STILL too slow ! I'm
tired of the same logical bricks/ball/falling diamonds games over and

What do you think ?

Is there any chance, that Google will work on something like that ?

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