I'd be very interested, and willing to lend a hand. I've been
collecting my own library of tricks and widgets and even sharing
within my own apps it's cumbersome.

On Mar 29, 1:41 pm, Mark Murphy <mmur...@commonsware.com> wrote:
> Gaunt Face wrote:
> > It's hard to think of where this would be useful, but I can imagine
> > some people finding a use for it, but you could spend a great deal of
> > time trying to develop and maintain this and it would have slow take-
> > up, only after some fairly common "parcels" start to get used by a
> > majority will it gain any ground  in the community.
> Indubitably. That's why I'm trying to gauge interest.
> > I guess the thing for me is if I wanted a library or tool for (i.e. a
> > calendar widget) I would probably want to have the resources and
> > insert them myself, that way I can customise it (make it look unique
> > to my app, users don't want 10x the same looking widget with different
> > text), use my own naming conventions for classes and activities (in
> > source and manifest.xml) etc this way I will be aware of what's
> > happened and where.
> That's awful for maintainability. What happens when the next version of
> the widget is released by it's author?
> Your approach also assumes open source. If you are not in position to
> recompile the widget, your ability to change things (e.g., naming
> conventions) is more limited. Part of what would need to accompany the
> parcel system is guidance to those creating reusable widgets for how to
> enable knobs and levers for reusers to turn and, um, leverage.
> > Would you have any idea of how to keep these parcel's up to date?
> If you tinker with the innards, the way you propose, you're on your own.
> This is no different than tinkering with the innards of a CPAN module in
> Perl, a Ruby gem, a Rails vendor plugin, a Linux package, a Java JAR via
> a decompiler, etc.
> A parcel can be extracted (opposite of injecting) from a project.
> Updating is extracting the old and injecting the new. The Android build
> system makes this a lot more icky than, say, updating a Ruby gem, but
> much of the ick can be confined to the parcel engine itself.
> > Keep us posted on what you decide to do.
> Will do, and thanks for the feedback!
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)http://commonsware.com|http://twitter.com/commonsguy
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to *Advanced* Android Development_
> Version 1.4 Available!

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