jgostylo wrote:
> For a new update I am changing the start-up workflow for the
> application.  Part of this is setting the
> "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" from one activity to another in my
> manifest.
> When I run an update from what is on the market to what I download
> from my website the application starts in the Activity where it used
> to start before the update.  When I uninstall the application and
> install it from the same package I got from my website it starts in
> the Activity where I have now specified it to start.  Shorter version:
> Update fails to update launching activity, uninstall-reinstall does
> update the launching activity.
> Is this a known issue?  Do I really need to add logic to correct for
> people who update the app instead of installing fresh?  Asking people
> to uninstall for an update is not a viable option.  Is there something
> I can do to clean out whatever is getting saved that is causing the
> app to launch with the incorrect Activity?

Which device are you testing this on?

I seem to recall some HTC Heros having a problem similar to this one,
several months ago.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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